Sunday, July 27, 2014

Starting the #Banting life!

This has been a challenfging year so far. Not many of our goals has been acchieved. Our health has declined,our finances with that and many more to mention,BUT THE CHANGE STARTS HERE!

Ever heard of Tim Noakes,LCHF or Banting?

Since reading (and seeing online) success stories about the bamting lifestyle,I decided to order the book, The Real Meal Revolution, and see what it's all about. Now  I could hardly believe the dishes being served up! That is the thing that almost completely got me going on this. No drab food being steamed and boiled and fat free not using butter...just full fat fatty fat fat fat! Can you believe it!

 Now knowing that my household budget will take a hit (mind you,first wèeks food cost me half my monthly budget) and that it will take some planning AND most of the foods we have neva ate before,we thought WHAT THE HELL,LETS DO IT.

So tomorrow will be day one, I roasted a chicken and veggies for our meal at lunch and will be preparing yummy yum yum bacon and eggs with spinach for breakfast. I will be posting again tomorrow to update on day 1.

Here's a glass of buttery goodness on our investment in our health.


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