Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 4 on LCHF

It's Thursday 31 July 2014 @ 12:21pm and I am officialy 4.2kgs lighter than I was 3 days ago. All of this while eating foods that has been told is bad for me my whole life.

I seriously cant believe this,I dont care (again) if it's water wheight or whatever. It's 4.2kg! I realy do hope that this will be a constant loss since it is quite a bit expensive to change to this lifestyle.

The good thing is that we are eating some foods that we never concidered before. Like last nights rump,we never buy because it's too expensive,but now we know why. It's the softest cut of meat we've ever had! Bad thing is,it confirmed my hatred for olives. It made the meal taste and smell like day ols piss! No olives ever again in this house of mine.

Breakfast has to be the best meal of everyday! Come on,who doesnt love bacon! OMG...the absolute best,no matter what the combinations.

We are Coke addicts,always being light,zero or tab,and currently we are not allowed any or at least we can have some now and then. So finding something to drink has realy got me down. Yesterday I decided to just squeeze half a lemon in aglass,fill withwater and ice and half a Stevia stick and man...was it good! I think presentation helped alot.

Now this is to almost a full week of banting,hoping that we will always see results!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Passed day 1

Here we are on day 2 of #LCHF and I lost 2kg since yesterday morning. Now I dont care if it's water or what,I am 2kg lighter than i was yesterday WHOO-HOO!

what suprised me was how good the food is amazing and thats after only 2 bfasts and 1 dinner!

I would love to post some pics of the tasty food,but again,my tab is full of crap.

The only thing bothering me now is that I have an extreme sweet tooth and I am currently craving a choccie or even some plain Lays! I do have a headache (looks like withdrawel) and I'm eagerly waiting for the energy to kick in,the good sleep to start and my insulin resistance to be better.

Now I have a long way to go,but if the food is this good,then I'm happy to keep going. Even if I end up brokr because of it,lol.  is worth a look,i'm hoping to walk a long road with this.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Starting the #Banting life!

This has been a challenfging year so far. Not many of our goals has been acchieved. Our health has declined,our finances with that and many more to mention,BUT THE CHANGE STARTS HERE!

Ever heard of Tim Noakes,LCHF or Banting?

Since reading (and seeing online) success stories about the bamting lifestyle,I decided to order the book, The Real Meal Revolution, and see what it's all about. Now  I could hardly believe the dishes being served up! That is the thing that almost completely got me going on this. No drab food being steamed and boiled and fat free not using butter...just full fat fatty fat fat fat! Can you believe it!

 Now knowing that my household budget will take a hit (mind you,first wèeks food cost me half my monthly budget) and that it will take some planning AND most of the foods we have neva ate before,we thought WHAT THE HELL,LETS DO IT.

So tomorrow will be day one, I roasted a chicken and veggies for our meal at lunch and will be preparing yummy yum yum bacon and eggs with spinach for breakfast. I will be posting again tomorrow to update on day 1.

Here's a glass of buttery goodness on our investment in our health.