Sunday, August 3, 2014

Week 1 almost over

It's Sunday night and almost one whole week since we startet the #Banting way of life. Cravings wrrent realy bad,if at all,just the withdrawel headaches for bith of us. I'm a chocolate girl and he is a chips and biscuit guy ,together we are coke zero and tab people,lol.

I cant wait to wheighin tomorrow to see what has actualy happened here!

Yesterday I did bake a banting bread and it is DISGUSTING. Now I know I did something wrong,but damn,no thankyou!

I also managed  a cauli pizzawith some left over chicken and it was Yum!

The best thing I think wasthe Beef Shepards pie we had for supper.
FOllowed by a devine Mocha Choca LCHF cake with homemade lpLCHF choc Mousse,

Our Sunday ritual is normaly to go for an afternoon drive ending up somewhere for ice cream and afterwards at Wimpy for Coffee and a plate of chips or a burger. None of that today *sobbng* ,but hey I get a choccie when I reached 10kg lost!!!